Monday, November 30, 2009

8 months

If you read this blog you know that Pancake has been sick for the better part of this month. It is so sad to see a helpless baby so unhappy. She only smiled a handful of times over the course of a few days. She's more smiley now but still not back to herself.

A baby's first year is so full of drastic changes. While adults experience almost no change in themselves in eight months, babies go from squirmy, tiny blobs who aren't very aware of their surroundings to laughing, smiling, cooing babies who imitate and let us know their desires. I'm amazed all over again.

Pancake dances to music now. Whenever she hears any kind of beat she bops her little body up and down while remaining seated. She squeals happily when Doodle plays his guitar or the piano.

She is really starting to imitate us now. If you bang your hand on the table she will do the same. If you wave, she waves back. She imitates some sounds too. She still only has two teeth. She's eating baby puff snacks that dissolve easily and quickly in her mouth. She tried Cheerios the other morning but didn't do quite as well with those.

She whines if her brother takes a toy away from her. She still puts everything in her mouth. She will drink out of a sippy cup if I hold it in her mouth. She loves having her gums and teeth brushed.

She falls asleep in her crib on her own like a champ. I nurse her, rock her and sometimes sing, then I put her down in her crib still awake. She lays there for a minute or two talking and playing, sometimes whining or wimpering. Then she falls asleep. It only takes her 2 to 5 minutes to fall asleep. She's not as good at staying asleep. She was waking up 4 times a night when she had a fever. Now she's down to two. I'm nursing her both times again to keep her hydrated and my immune-boosting milk in her to fight off this dreadful illness. Once she's completely better I'll cut it down to one feeding at night, and then hopefully zero. But by then she'll probably be getting another tooth and I'll have to start all over again!

She's a good, happy, cute baby.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

still sick

All four of us are sick and have been for the past two and a half weeks. Pancake has been to the doctor twice in the last four weeks. She is now on an antibiotic because her fever of 102+ was here for a few days then vanished, then reappeared on Thanksgiving. She's been vomiting at least once a day for the past five days because she has no other way of getting the mucus and junk out of her little body. Under her eyes are red, the rest of her is pale except for the multi-colored snot dried to her nose. Lovely image isn't it? Doodle has been sick with the same thing except he doesn't have a fever. He threw up yesterday because he has been refusing to blow his nose and sucks it in instead -- very annoying!

I had a coughing fit last night that made me convinced that I was going to vomit too. I didn't but I was awake until midnight and then up at 12:55 a.m. to nurse Pancake. Then again at 5:30 a.m. to nurse her again. Mr. D was up with her then too, and has been awake ever since. Mr. D has been coughing and generally sick too. I can only hope that we're building our immunity now so we won't be sick again for the rest of the winter. I know, I know it's a pipe dream.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

household chores -- a really exciting post

I don't know why I consistently make my weekend to-do list unrealistically long. I'm always thinking that since Mr. D is home I can do twenty things around the house in one day and I inevitably fall short. Today, I went to a four-year old's birthday party, vacuumed three rooms (and am going to do my bedroom tonight after I finish cleaning the kitchen), made dinner and bought a sound machine (our third one in two years) for Pancake's room. Maybe her brother won't wake her up tonight. And I still didn't get to sanding down the top of the bathroom closet door so the clear shoe holder that hangs over it won't prevent the door from latching.

Tomorrow, after we watch the marathoners and go to center city to have lunch with a friend who's in town I have to go grocery shopping, file away our pile of papers sitting on the printer and do the usual daily tasks of making dinner, bathing children, and preparing for the work week. Fun, fun, fun.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

A tribute to The Wire

I saw this clip on someone else's blog and it made me miss The Wire. I think I'm going to have to watch it from the beginning as soon as we finish In Treatment. HBO puts some kick ass shows on the air.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

saddened and hopeful

My friend J and her husband B have twin girls, E and S. They are 22-months old. I have only had the chance to meet them once soon after they were born. They were premature and spent a significant amount of time in the NICU before they went home. They couldn't be around any other children for the first year of their lives. J and B recently found out that E has brain cancer. She had a tumor the size of a mango removed on Wednesday night (a week ago). She awaits chemotherapy which starts next week.

J and I went to grad school together and became fast friends. Mr. Doodlebug and I got along really well with J and B. It was one of those friendships where all four of us truly enjoyed each others company. I remember one of the last nights we spent as residents of DC Mr. D took me to Sam and Harry's for dinner. It was half price bottle of wine night so we took advantage and got pretty saucy. After we left the restaurant I called J on a whim to see if they had any plans. They didn't so we went over to their place and laughed and talked and probably drank some more, I can't quite remember. But I do remember the fun, happy, light feeling I had that whole night and then how sad I was that we were leaving DC and our friends to move to Philadelphia.

I think about that night now and think that I never would have guessed that four years later J and B would have to endure such tragic upheaval and incredible stress. I know that E's chances of survival aren't great, and I am normally not the most positive person, but I am thinking about E and her parents and sister all the time. And I am wishing that E pulls through this a survivor.

I talked to J the other day and her optimism and grasp of reality were nothing less than heroic. She actually said to me without the slightest twinge of jealousy, "you're just happy that your kids are healthy, right?" I am glad my kids are healthy, but I wish hers was too.

If you want to follow E's progress J created a blog.

Saturday, November 07, 2009


I spent the latter part of my evening cleaning projectile vomit off the rocking chair, rug, floor and stuffed monkey in Pancake's room. Pancake's and my clothing was promptly removed and is currently soaking in the washing machine. I have never seen vomiting of this volume or distance in my life -- and to think it came from a seven month old! I hope it was a result of the phlegm she hasn't been able to spit out or blow out, and not a virus that will lead to more vomiting.

Our other child has a terrible cough and an ear infection. He asked to go to the doctor this morning to get medicine for his ear. Sure enough it is infected. He never had an antibiotic until right before he turned three. Now he's on his third. Being in school sure makes a kid sick!

Fun, fun, fun!

Thursday, November 05, 2009

The Phillies

What a disappointing end to a great season. As I've stated before on this blog I am not a huge professional sports fan, but I have come to love the Phillies as my husband and son do, well not quite as much as Mr. D.

I love the scrappiness and heart of the team. The players seem to be good people who are good at what they do and are dedicated to the fabulous Phillies fans. Their game last night, that ended in a 7 to 3 loss, was aggravating at times (Shane Victorino should have caught that ball; Ryan Howard finally showed up with one home run -- too little too late; Chase Utley who was having a great post season couldn't quite break the record of number of home runs in a World Series, tying Reggie Jackson with five; he didn't show up last night like he could have; Pedro Martinez did not pitch well; and Charlie Manual made some interesting pitching change choices).

So now we wait until April, a time of hope and renewal. I am not, nor will I ever be, an Eagles fan. Mr. D told me last night that if the Eagles win the Superbowl it will make up for the Phillies' losing the World Series. That is not the case for me. Of course, if they do make it to the Superbowl I'll make an Eagles cake and invite our friends over to "watch" the game.

Sorry, Mr. D, that your beloved Phils couldn't pull it out this time. Maybe Charlie will pick out some better pitchers for next season -- I would keep Cliff Lee though.

Monday, November 02, 2009

7 months

Pancake is such a happy and delightful baby. She is always smiling at people. Whenever we're out and strangers ooh and aah over her she gives them reason to love her with her huge open-mouth smile.

I can sit her down for long periods of time to play, or watch her brother on the potty. She reaches for toys when she's sitting and then pulls herself back up. She can transfer a toy from one hand to the other. She tolerates her brother's abuse with a big grin on her face. It's hard to convince him that what he's doing might be too rough because she's happy just to be in his company no matter his mood.

Her babbling has become more refined. She imitates sounds she hears like HHHIIIIII. My father-in-law swears he heard her say her brother's name. I'm not sure about that, but her cooing is more purposeful now.

She has two teeth (the two bottom front ones) and enjoys teething biscuits. Her teething has caused all of us many sleepless nights. I hope she doesn't get any more for a while. She's gaining weight quickly and has a few rolls on each thigh, they're incredibly cute.

She will play on her back for a while but when I try to give her a little "tummy time" she acts paralyzed and whines to be moved to a more comfortable position. Since I'm more concerned with keeping her happy than ensuring that she crawls she doesn't get much time on her belly. She loves her Exersaucer. She will play in it for up to 45 minutes at a time. She's not a huge fan of the bouncing seat that hangs in the doorway. I still swaddle her before naps and bed time even though she's outgrowing the pre-made swaddlers I have. She sleeps much better so I'm going to continue swaddling.

She recently discovered the xylophone and is thrilled to make such loud sounds. She still puts everything she gets her hands on in her mouth. She also still loves to eat, both breastmilk and solid foods. When I'm feeding her solid food she sits with her mouth open anticipating the next bite. When she finishes her meal she cries that it's all gone, no matter how much she's eaten.

She just started waving. The first time I noticed it it was directed at a cashier at Acme who was waving and talking to her. She held her tiny hand up, palm facing herself, and moved her four fingers up and down. She did it again for me today so I'm pretty sure it was an actual wave.

I love to kiss her slightly pudgy cheeks and around her neck. She squeals with delight when I do that. She also loves to be tickled under her arms. She thinks that's hilarious.She's so squeezable and cuddly and adorable. I love this age.