Monday, November 30, 2009

8 months

If you read this blog you know that Pancake has been sick for the better part of this month. It is so sad to see a helpless baby so unhappy. She only smiled a handful of times over the course of a few days. She's more smiley now but still not back to herself.

A baby's first year is so full of drastic changes. While adults experience almost no change in themselves in eight months, babies go from squirmy, tiny blobs who aren't very aware of their surroundings to laughing, smiling, cooing babies who imitate and let us know their desires. I'm amazed all over again.

Pancake dances to music now. Whenever she hears any kind of beat she bops her little body up and down while remaining seated. She squeals happily when Doodle plays his guitar or the piano.

She is really starting to imitate us now. If you bang your hand on the table she will do the same. If you wave, she waves back. She imitates some sounds too. She still only has two teeth. She's eating baby puff snacks that dissolve easily and quickly in her mouth. She tried Cheerios the other morning but didn't do quite as well with those.

She whines if her brother takes a toy away from her. She still puts everything in her mouth. She will drink out of a sippy cup if I hold it in her mouth. She loves having her gums and teeth brushed.

She falls asleep in her crib on her own like a champ. I nurse her, rock her and sometimes sing, then I put her down in her crib still awake. She lays there for a minute or two talking and playing, sometimes whining or wimpering. Then she falls asleep. It only takes her 2 to 5 minutes to fall asleep. She's not as good at staying asleep. She was waking up 4 times a night when she had a fever. Now she's down to two. I'm nursing her both times again to keep her hydrated and my immune-boosting milk in her to fight off this dreadful illness. Once she's completely better I'll cut it down to one feeding at night, and then hopefully zero. But by then she'll probably be getting another tooth and I'll have to start all over again!

She's a good, happy, cute baby.


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