Monday, December 29, 2008

baby Doodle's bus adventures

We took the bus to Center City today to see the light show at Macy's and the trains at Reading Terminal Market. On the way home baby Doodle asked me if I would sing Hark the Herald Angels Sing which was kind of humorous because the bus was fairly full and I can't carry a tune. I told him I'd sing it when we got home, or he could sing it right then. He chose to sing it himself. I was impressed that he knew the first four lines pretty well and held the melody.

Still on the bus, baby Doodle finished eating a banana. Mr. Doodlebug jokingly asked if we should just throw the peel on the floor (because in one of his books the main character slips on a banana peel and falls).
BD: Yes we should throw it on the floor.
Mr. D: No, we can't throw it on the floor. We don't want anyone to slip on it and get hurt, do we?
BD: (said in a normal to loud voice) Yes, we do. How about that girl? (as he pointed to the 60-some year old woman sitting directly across from us)
He went on to point to several people sitting near us on the bus who he thought should slip on the peel. It was pretty funny.

Sunday, December 28, 2008


Apparently the Eagles are having an awesome game. I'm judging this on the girl-like screams coming from our family room. I know if they win this game they're in the playoffs, which means more Eagles games to come . . . great.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

kicking some . . . ribs

The baby has been moving around for weeks but this morning she/he really kicked me hard for the first time, in the ribs. I have a feeling my uterus is about to pop even more, the baby's feeling cramped. I guess we really are going to have a second child. I think I won't really believe it until it's born.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

baby Doodle update

Baby Doodle is two years and eight months old and his brain processes and learns so quickly it's unbelievable. He taught himself the lower case alphabet (having mastered the capitals long ago) by typing emails to various family members. He realized on his own that the letters he pushed on the keyboard, which are caps, did not look like the letters that appeared on the screen. He studied each one after pressing it and two days later was identifying lower case letters wherever we went.

The conversations he has with himself are incredibly adorable. I can't recite an entire one here, but he plays both sides of the conversation (himself and whoever he's pretending to talk to). An example: "Do you want to jump up and down? Yes. Oh you do? Me too! Oh you're a good jumper. Thank you. You're welcome."

He has an unbelievable memory. The other day in the car he announced, "Grandma is 59 years old." Which he learned having only heard it once or twice when we were there for Thanksgiving along with the ages of tens of other relatives. Speaking of numbers he points out numbers, especially double digit numbers wherever we go. On the highway between DC and Philly he pointed out the speed limit, interstate, and exit number signs. He's obsessed with what number is on each bus that passes us in our neighborhood and elsewhere. The 9 is his favorite because that's the one we've most frequently taken to see Mr. Doodlebug at work. He's also fond of the 27, 32 and 35 because we see those the most. When we were in NYC he wanted to know the number of every single bus he saw, which was impossible to pay attention to for an entire day.

On our way to DC a few days ago he informed Mr. D and I that we had just passed Ikea. I hadn't seen it and knowing how loud their store sign is, was skeptical that he'd actually seen an Ikea. He continued to tell me that he saw the letters K-I-A. Perhaps he'd seen a Kia dealership, which very well could have been possible given the commercial area we were speeding through. Still I was impressed by his ability to transfer knowledge and think critically.

He had his first visit to the dentist today. He did incredibly well. He sat quietly eating almonds and watching PBS while I got my teeth cleaned. When it was his turn he laid in the chair and opened his mouth wide for the hygienist. He followed each of her instructions: close your mouth, hold your teeth together, open your mouth wider. When it was over he rinsed his mouth, without spitting, and thanked the hygienist for his new toothbrush. His behavior is not always so stellar -- he had a melt down before we went to the grocery store this morning because he didn't want to wear the jeans and fire engine shirt that he had picked out. When he's with his friends, especially other boys, he acts crazy and hyper, nothing like when he's alone or with girls or younger kids. Nevertheless, he's pretty well behaved on the whole.

He's so bright and cute and loving and sweet.

With my brother last weekend.

Playing the drums, one of his favorite pastimes.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

"Holiday Spectacular"?

Baby Doodle and I stood in the rain and waited for a bus for about a half hour to go to Center City to see the light show at the new Comcast building -- luckily it was 65 degrees out. We just missed the 11:00 showing so we checked out the "market" on the lower level of the building, which is really a high end food court, and sat at a table eating the food I brought from home. At 12:00 we went back upstairs to see the show. It was pretty cool, but I don't know that it alone was worth the trip into the city (especially since I thought enough to bring a token for the trip into the city and did not bring one for the trip home). Seeing Mr. Doodlebug and having lunch with him was worth the trip. The show's high definition and the vastness of the screen were pretty cool, but the content itself wasn't that spectacular, despite it's name.

Monday, December 01, 2008


We had a very nice Thanksgiving week/weekend in Vermont, Massachusetts, and New York. We took the train to Vermont from Philly last Tuesday. It was a long ride and by the end I wished we had driven -- the tracks at the very end of our trip are in desperate need of repair and the train has to move extremely slowly over them. Baby Doodle hadn't taken a nap and was pretty wound up by the time we arrived. I got to visit with an old high school friend who I hadn't seen in nine years, which was really great. On Thanksgiving day we drove to western Mass to my aunt's house where we had a big, delicious meal with lots of my relatives. Since my grandparents died we havn't all been together. It was really nice. My uncle and cousin came from Florida, another cousin came from Wyoming, my father and his wife from DC, and we came from Philly. The others lived in Mass or Vermont. It was a great reunion.

Saturday we went to NY to bury my grandmother's ashes, three years after her death. Then we walked around my parents' old neighborhood. We spent the night in NY with our friend and got to meet her boyfriend of whom I highly approve. Sunday we walked around the city in the rain and looked at the windows at Saks and Lord & Taylor, we showed baby Doodle the tree and Rockefeller Center. He loved it.

Our bus was supposed to leave NY at 3:00 from the corner of 34th and 8th right outside Penn Station. We took the Bolt Bus. We waited in the cold rain without umbrellas for an hour and a half before the bus arrived and we were finally able to sit in a heated, dry place. Baby Doodle was a real trooper. Even without a nap! He played on the sidewalk, entertained the people waiting in line with us and was generally very pleasant. Thank God! He was asleep before the bus was on the other side of the Lincoln Tunnel.

Some pictures:

Staring at a window display at Lord and Taylor's on Fifth Avenue.