Wednesday, August 05, 2009

4 months

Pancake turned four months last week. Poor thing, she never gets her updates on time. We were in Washington, DC for the weekend and I've been sick since we've been home -- I blame the non-working sinks at the Lincoln Memorial bathrooms. Okay, back to Pancake. She is just the cutest, most precious, darling little girl. She's happy most of the time, only crying when she needs something -- milk, a burp, to be picked up, or put to bed. She still takes naps in her crib. I'm able to put her down before she even falls asleep.

Despite the fact that I'm still feeding her every two hours she only weighs 10 pounds. She was seven pounds at birth which means she's only gained three pounds in four months. Not good. Babies start solid foods between four and six months. Doodle started at five months, he could sit up on his own and was interested in watching us eat. Pancake doesn't seem interested in our eating yet, but her doctor wants her to start solids now to try to increase her calorie intake. She had her first bites (rice cereal mixed with breast milk) Monday and was pretty confused. Yesterday, she had more and didn't seem to like it. We're going to try again tonight.

Pancake puts her hands together and into her mouth. She can hold toys and put them into her mouth. She drools a lot and likes to suck on her hands. She reaches up and pulls down on her toys from their suspended position on her gym. She laughs contagiously and smiles a ton. Her squeals are adorable. She's extremely cute and I love her so much. I hope she gains weight soon.

Big brother Doodle helping Pancake out.

Not sure about this rice cereal.

Is this over yet?

Sunday, August 02, 2009


We just got back from a wonderful weekend in Washington, DC. There were some parts that weren't so wonderful, namely the car ride home. We saw many friends and had ample time to rest, it was just the right social time to rest time ratio. It was also the first time we've gotten that right since we had Doodle. Here are a few pictures from our trip.

With Senator Leahy in his office. This is by far the best picture of the four of us that has ever been taken.

At the Lincoln Memorial.

At the Korean War Memorial.