Pancake is a week away from being four months old and instead of her sleep habits improving, they're deteriorating. Monday night, after going to sleep at 11:00 p.m., she woke up at 2:00 a.m. and every hour after that. Tuesday night she was up at 1:00 a.m. and every other hour thereafter. Last night was more of the same.
The first wake up I feed her hoping that she won't need/want to be fed again until the morning. I don't know why I don't learn that that is never the case. For a few nights last week I was able to appease her with the pacifier at least one of the wake-ups, but she was having none of it this week. This week she demanded my breast every time she awoke. With a sleeping husband next to me and a toddler in the room directly below us I don't want to let Pancake cry and wake up the whole house. So I've been feeding her every time she wakes up -- big mistake. I get the feeling that she's waking up now just for the comfort of being on my breast. I know she can't possibly be hungry every hour.
During the day she sleeps in her crib for two to four hours without waking up or needing to eat. So, tonight I'm going to put her to sleep in her crib and hope that she can sleep for a good chunk of the night. For my sanity's sake I hope it works.
Right now Pancake is sleeping in her crib. She went down at 8:30 a.m. for an early nap after her shitty night of sleep. Too bad I can't do the same.