Monday, July 06, 2009

3 months

Pancake turned three months last week. She's still such a peanut. She's sweet as can be. She laughs when we tickle her belly, chest or under her arms. Her smile is truly contagious; looking at her with that big grin on her face will change my mood in an instant. She never cries for no reason. At night she sleeps 4-6 hour stretches (followed by two-hour stretches until morning when her brother bounds in the room) and now takes a late afternoon nap in her crib!

She has pretty good control over her feet. She purposefully kicks the two toys, particularly the seahorse, that hang from her bouncy seat and delights in watching them swing to and fro. She's "talking" a lot more and discovering her sweet voice. Her eyes light up when she sees me, Mr. D or Doodle. She tracks Doodle around the room with her eyes and is very interested in everything he does.

I can't believe it's been three months already, especially after my seemingly endless pregnancy.


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