Wednesday, June 24, 2009

What a difference a day makes

Yesterday was among the worst days I've had as a parent and today was great. I won't go into all the gory details but Doodle didn't nap and was generally cranky and required a lot of my attention, Pancake cried a lot and I don't think I saw her smile even once. I was tired and spent and watching the clock until Mr. Doodlebug got home to help relieve me of sole parenting duty. Then, Pancake and I went to a friend's house to babysit her daughter, who was very well behaved and didn't give me any problems, which I appreciated.

Today was great. Doodle played by himself in the morning while I exercised and got ready for the day. We played at a friend's house for the morning. When we got home Doodle rested, not napped, for a little more than an hour and then we went to our dentist appointment. Doodle was very well behaved at the dentist's office. He followed all of the hygienist's directions, didn't wince, whine or cry. He entertained himself and even put his sister's pacifier back in several times while I had my teeth cleaned. I was very proud of him.

To top off this very good day Doodle doesn't have to have his teeth brushed tonight because the fluoride treatment the hygienist gave him doesn't allow for teeth brushing for 8 hours. I'm psyched that I don't have to have that struggle tonight.

Tomorrow I'm going out to dinner with some friends without our kids! Even if the day is bad I know I'll have a nice break at the end of it.


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