sick again
Last week was one of the hardest I've had as a mother, and I know it's only going to get harder with a second child. Baby Doodle had a stomach bug for three days, two of which Mr. Doodlebug was out of town. Unlike last April when he came down with a form of the rotavirus he only got sick three times (once each day). He was hydrated and fairly active during his illness, which in general is a good thing, but not when you have a kid who loves to eat and is really really hungry. The first day he had lots and lots of Pedialyte in small portions and a few saltines. The second morning he was able to eat some dry cereal, apple sauce and more crackers, but all in very small portions which caused him to ask me every ten minutes if he "could have more Cheerios?" In order to keep his mind off his hunger I had to literally entertain him all day long. He got sick again the second afternoon so we were back to square one with the Pedialyte and nothing else. By dinner time I let him have a few more crackers. The third morning started with him getting sick again at 5:00 after having been up all night (since Mr. D was gone I was on night duty and day duty -- very exhausting, not to mention I was 29 weeks pregnant).
My poor little guy. All he wanted to do was eat large portions of foods that were out of the question, like dried fruit and nuts and ice cream. At one point I overheard him talking to his trains saying, "My favorite room is the kitchen. I love to eat every day."
By the fourth day he was keeping down small portions of food and lots of Pedialyte. We all had toast and scrambled eggs for dinner. Meanwhile, I was not able to eat large, delicious quantities of food either so as not to tempt baby Doodle. I had to sneak down to the kitchen under the guise that I was getting him more "juice" and quickly eat a few bites of peanut butter and jelly sandwich before returning to entertain him some more.
Anyway, it's over now. Luckily, I did not catch the virus, and needless to say neither did Mr. Doodlebug. Though he did bring home a cold for us all to get AGAIN. It has been a bad winter of illnesses and I can't wait for spring so these f***ing germs can fly away through the open windows.