random thoughts
Our financial woes are not as bad as they could be, for sure. Mr. Doodlebug still has a job, we have great health insurance, we own a reliable car, we own our house (not outright), and we're continuing to save a little each month (in a savings account that the market can't destroy). That being said, it is so disheartening to see our 401K statements come in the mail. Half the money we've (mostly he's) socked away is gone. . . just like that. Mr. D's parents started a college fund for baby Doodle (whose name I'm going to have to change one of these days, he's hardly a baby anymore) and that is also half gone.
Again, I know we're fortunate because we still have 30 to 40 more working years ahead of us and won't need that money until then, and if history is any guide we'll have recovered everything we lost and then some. And, baby Doodle is only 2.5 years old, it will be a long time until he needs a college fund. But still -- I'm a saver and can't stand to see my/our hard earned money disappear.
This time of year we're paying more per month to live because our gas bills are so extremely high. Our December bill was $515.71. That's all heat. We have a gas hot water heater and clothes dryer, but we use those during the summer too and our bills in the warm months are $30. Living in an old house has it's charm, and I love our house, but damn it's expensive to heat.
I was up half the night hacking away. I had a tickle in my throat that would not subside. I eventually fell asleep with a Halls in my mouth, not the safest thing but at least I wasn't coughing.
Baby Doodle's naps are sporadic and it's taking him a really long time to fall asleep once he's in his room. He plays for a while and then when he finally decides he's tired enough to lay down on his bed it's almost too late for him to have a nap at all. Most days this week he has fallen asleep around 3:00 and if he's still asleep at 4:30 I wake him up. He'll never go to sleep at a reasonable hour if he sleeps past 4:30 (it used to be 4:00, but he's been taking soooo long to fall asleep that I pushed it back).
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