Baby Doodle is now 30 months old, that's two and a half. It's hard to believe how big and mature he's getting -- telling me what he wants to eat, eating it himself, playing with other kids, understanding lessons like taking turns etc. . . -- while at the same time remaining a baby in some ways -- wearing a diaper, sleeping in a crib with a pacifier, being strolled around town, and whining when he doesn't get something he wants.
He's articulate both in knowing the words he needs to express anything he wants and in annunciating those words so he can be understood, not just by me but by just about anyone, though sometimes he needs me to repeat what he said. He is obsessed with baseball, both playing it and watching it, specifically the Phillies, and with playing trains. The first thing he says when he wakes up after asking if "can we see if somping's on tv?" is "do you want to play trains with me?" He got a set for Christmas last year and has been playing with them ever since. He tries to make as long a train as he can and then proudly pull it around the tracks without losing a single car. He points out the whistle, smoke stack, freight cars, passenger engine and car etc. . .
He's becoming good at having full back-and-forth conversations on the phone. He is the most engaged with my brother who has no trouble understanding him over the phone, whereas my father can't hear well to begin with and is always guessing the wrong words he says. The other day he independently invited Grammy and Grandad (my in-laws) over to our house. They took the invitation to mean that we had put baby Doodle up to asking them, when really he acted completely on his own. We're going to see them another weekend.
He's still a very good eater. Today for lunch he ate half a bagel, yogurt and some of my salad. He will eat vegetables now and then, loves the usual favorites: mac and cheese, pizza, pb & j. He'll usually try and/or eat whatever we put in front of him.
He will sit on the potty if he's naked but nothing actually happens. Then when he has his diaper on he'll go. We're not pushing it. I've been working on converting the guest room into his new room. We have two scheduled guest visits and then the room will be his at the beginning of November.
Overall he's a very well-behaved, gentle, kind boy. I'm already starting to mourn our time together, just him and me. The new baby will forever change our family dynamic as it is now, for the better I'm sure, but still I'm a little sad that we've nearly reached the end of an era.