Happy Halloween
The thermometer in our house reads 55 degrees! We haven't turned on the heat yet.
Fall has finally hit and my peppers are just starting to grow. I put stakes in the ground yesterday to hold them up. I don't know what took them so long. I hope it doesn't frost before they're ready to pick.
We've had a very busy month thus far. We went to Vegas in the beginning of the month. Then we had a birthday extravaganza for my thirtieth. Then my mother came to visit on Wednesday and left today (it's Sunday). Her visit was good. Having her around makes me wish she lived in Philly. She came to baby Doodle's CHOP appointment with me. The doctor looked at the lump between his neck and shoulder. It's a vascular mass, which we've known for a while. We're going to have an ultrasound of it as soon as I call and make the appointment.
Today, I am thirty years old. It's hard to believe I've been living for that long. Thirty years is a long time. Then I remind myself that thirty-six years is even longer -- that's how old Mr. Doodlebug is. And fifty-eight is even older than that -- that's how old my mother is. I thought I would be depressed on my birthday because I am prone to depression and fight bouts of it from time to time. But I haven't felt the least bit blue about turning 30.
We got back from Las Vegas yesterday after a three-day vacation without baby Doodle. It was awesome! I highly recommend traveling without a baby. It is SO much easier. It was amazing how quickly we fell back into our pre-baby lifestyle. We ate at nice restaurants without interruption, we drank adult beverages and were able to sleep off any hangover we may have gotten, I wore jewelry including my engagement ring without anyone tugging at them or putting their yogurt-covered hands all over them. Yes, it was a fine weekend.
An autumn display inside the Bellagio.
Fresh flower balls hanging from trees inside the Wynn.
The waterfall and pool outside the Wynn. Obviously the picture doesn't do it justice.Hanging chandeliers inside the Wynn.
Part of the Wynn's grounds.
The great thing about Linvilla is you can go apple picking and make a day of it with your 18-month old baby. The great thing about apple picking when they're having a buy a half bushell of apples and get a half bushell free sale is you can make even more things with apples. To date I have made three batches of applesauce (two are frozen), fourteen apple muffins (also frozen), two apple cakes and three apple pies (the third is in the oven now). And there are still plenty of apples left.
My boy is a year and a half old. It's hard to believe. As he gets older his personality is revealed more and more. Baby Doodle is sweet and kind, he's verbal and smart, he's loving and excitable. He's so adorable it's hard not to hug and kiss him all the time. As far as his advancements go, they're not that different from last month.