landscaping before & after
We had our massive hill of ivy and weeds professionally landscaped over the last two weeks. I'm so happy with the results. Take a look:
We had our massive hill of ivy and weeds professionally landscaped over the last two weeks. I'm so happy with the results. Take a look:
I'm torn about what to think about the increasing number of kids diagnosed with autism. As an avid Oprah watcher (I know she makes some of you sick) I've seen two shows dedicated to the topic in the last two years. Most recently she had a show with Jenny McCarthy and Holly Robinson Pete both of whom have boys with autism. I feel for them. It's sad when something goes wrong, especially to kids. I had an irrational fear that baby Doodle would be autistic because he didn't point when he was 12 months old (he points now, and does a lot of other stuff that signifies that he doesn't have it).
Today, baby Doodle threw most of his peas on the floor and then said "oh no" in a nasaly voice. Then he laughed at how funny he is to throw peas on the floor. I came into the room and said, "What happened to the floor?" and he said "peas." I said, "who threw all these peas on the floor?" He said, "oh no!"
One upside to having a sick baby is that you get to cuddle with your baby who hasn't been into prolonged cuddling for quite a few months. He slept on top of me most of Monday and Tuesday morning, then again on Thursday. He's asleep in his crib now because I don't want him to get in the habit of sleeping on me to fall asleep, but I will miss his closeness.
I jinxed myself. Baby Doodle was fine most of yesterday and almost all of today (eating normal foods, playing, running around etc. . .). Then right before I put him in the car to come home aruond 5:15 this evening BD threw up all over the sidewalk in front of some people's house. Sorry who ever lives there.
On Sunday baby Doodle didn't feel well. Some time during that night he threw up in his crib. I woke up to find it dried to his sheets. I won't get into the rest of the gory details, but baby Doodle gave what he had to Mr. Doodlebug and then to me. I spent one and a half full days between the couch and bed. Luckily, because of the order the virus was passed around I took care of BD Monday and Tuesday morning, Mr. D got sick Monday night, but it didn't last long so he was able to take care of baby Doodle for the remainder of Tuesday which is when I was the most sick.
Baby Doodle turned 17 months old on the first of the month. In keeping with my lackadaisical manner in which I've been posting I am writing this eight days late.