Wednesday, March 24, 2010

pancake, oh, pancake

Well, Pancake will indeed be on an antibiotic for at least one year. Then we get another VCUG to see if she still has VUR. If she does, then she stays on the antibiotic for another year and we do the same thing a year from then. She had to have another catheter put in yesterday at the pediatrician's office to determine if her urine is infected again. It is not.

Pancake hasn't nursed since Saturday afternoon. I guess she's just finished, just like that! I'm not ready, emotionally or physically. I have pumped three times since Sunday trying to wean my milk supply. I hate pumping. I gave Pancake some pumped milk in a sippy cup yesterday but she only drank a small amount. She's getting her top two teeth and I think that's why she isn't interested in the breast.

Her physical therapy continues. She has a session this afternoon. She's not crawling or willing to roll over. She's starting to show some interest in pulling herself up and she helps a little more now when I try to get her to climb the stairs.

Through it all (except for the medical testing) she has a smile on her face. She's such a good girl. I feel badly that she's having such a rough time right now.


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