Thursday, February 04, 2010

additions to the 10 month post

There are so many more things that Pancake does that I forgot to include, and I'm sure there will be more that I won't remember to include here.

She has learned how to drink water from a sippy cup. She hides her own face with a towel or her shirt and pulls it down and waits for me to say peek-a-boo! She likes to hand a toy to me, I say thank you in a certain melodic way, then I hand the toy back to her and she imitates the melody of "thank you" without actually saying the words. She imitates other sounds too -- she says bop, clicks her tongue, makes raspberry noises with her lips. She is constantly reaching her hand out and saying dat. She turns the pages of books when we're reading. She also likes to pull all of the books down off the shelf. She throws her toys short distances and regularly throws her pacifier out of the crib and then cries for me to come get it. Luckily, once she gets it back she doesn't continue to throw it.

She only has the pacifier to sleep. And since I'm on the subject, she's a great napper. I always put her down awake and she falls asleep sometimes quickly sometimes not, but almost always without crying. She talks to the animals hanging down from her mobile or to her doll or herself, but she doesn't cry. She goes to bed at night the same way. She takes a morning and afternoon nap, each of which last about two hours. I feel so lucky to have such a good baby.


At 1:20 PM, Blogger Marian said...

so happy Pancake is getting along and quite happy...all the best to you and the family



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