Tuesday, December 15, 2009

little progress

The most simple of tasks seem to take forever with two kids to care for. Yesterday my only goal was to send two boxes of gifts to DC. One family's gifts were already wrapped and in the box. The others still had to be wrapped and packaged. Between Pancake's two morning naps (she's not feeling well AGAIN), breakfast for the three of us, Doodle's requests to play various games with him, my shower, lunch for we three, and Doodle's desire to "help" with the wrapping, it took me until 1:00 to get the boxes post office ready. Because the boxes were so big I drove down to the post office and filled up the gas tank on my way. Then we walked along Main Street and bought another Christmas gift. The gas station, post office and one store made up our big outing for the day.

Since Doodle started school I haven't seen that much of my friends and their kids. It's kind of depressing. I think it's a combination of everyone's kids in school now and occasional conflicting schedules and the non-stop illnesses that keep invading our household. We aren't going out much. It's going to be a long winter.


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