Pancake's VCUG results
Today, as a result of Pancake's UTI, she had an ultrasound on her kidneys and bladder, and a VCUG (they insert a catheter then fill her bladder with fluid and take pictures to see if the fluid goes up toward the kidneys or back out of her body the way it's supposed to). She cried and screamed during both procedures. Her ultrasound was normal. Her kidneys are the right size and shape for her age.
The VCUG revealed that she has what's called vesicoureteral reflux, or VUR, on one of her ureters (the tube connecting the kidney and bladder). The reflux is rated on a scale of one to five (one being the least severe, five the worst), Pancake's reflux is a two, which isn't too bad. It has a chance of spontaneously resolving itself, but she has to be on antibiotics for the foreseeable future. There's also a chance she'll have to have surgery to correct the problem. We have an appointment tomorrow afternoon with Pancake's pediatrician where we'll find out more information. For now I have to start her on Amoxicillin AGAIN and she'll be on it for some time.
My poor baby girl. I know things could be worse, but I'm really feeling for my sweet Pancake right now.
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