Tuesday, March 02, 2010

11 months

With February being a short month it doesn't seem that long ago that I wrote the 10-month update. There isn't much new to add. Pancake has an ear infection and has been generally sick with a cold. We just got back from Vermont last night where we had a great time visiting my mother, brother and sister-in-law. And some high school friends who I hadn't hung out with in a long long time. It was great fun.

Back to Pancake. It turns out she does not have low muscle tone in her legs or elsewhere. She just doesn't want to move. With two rounds of physical therapy under her belt she can now roll over unassisted and occasionally go from sitting to lying on her belly. She is quite good at turning herself around in a circle on her belly or her butt, but still doesn't get on all fours without help. When I put her in that position and rock her she doesn't wait long to put her head and belly back on the floor. We missed her pt session last week because we left for VT early to avoid the big snow storm (which Mr. D ended up driving through in NJ and NY anyway).

Pancake shook her head no once when she didn't want any more Cheerios -- imagine that! not wanting more Cheerios. Maybe she's sick of them finally. She says, mmmm for cow and a similar but more rough sound for dog. She recognizes and points to cats, dogs, pigs, cows and ducks. She really likes to be read to. She is extremely enthusiastic about certain books -- Baby's First Animal Book, Brown Bear Brown Bear, Animal Kisses, Goodnight Moon and Pajama Time.

She continues to devour any morsel of food in her sight, except maybe Cheerios now. Her favorite foods are banana, avocado, Baby Mum Mum crackers and pizza crust. She's a sweet darling girl. I can't believe she's almost one.


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