Monday, September 29, 2008

We're expecting

our second baby that is. Due April 7th (six days after baby Doodle turns three). This pregnancy is already worse than the first in that I'm much more tired and my nauseous mornings did not disappear when I hit 12 weeks like they did last time. My back hurts earlier in the pregnancy, probably from lugging around my 31 pound toddler. I'm fatter sooner too. Today is my first day in maternity pants. I'm wearing them not because I can't squeeze my fat belly into regular pants but because when I do it's not very comfortable.

Baby Doodle is happy to say that he's going to be a big brother, we'll see how his story changes when he experiences what that actually means. He has said,
"I'm going to be a big brother and come out of your belly." And at random times, "There's a baby in my belly." When we asked him what he thought we should name the baby he said, Pancake without hesitation. So we either call it Number Two or Pancake.

We're not going to find out the sex, just as we didn't with baby Doodle.


At 3:00 PM, Blogger mix said...

Pancake it is. A nice original unisex name. Nice job Babydoodle.

At 1:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 10:23 PM, Blogger Mrs. B said...

Congratulations! That's wonderful. Sorry that you are feeling crummy. And oh, maternity pants, gotta hate 'em. I am also pregnant--due Mar 20, so it sounds like we are on a similar time table! I need to put it on my blog. I've been pretty sick, but starting to feel better--still nauseated all the time, but at least nothing's coming up! Hope you are feeling better soon. Such wonderful news! Audrey doesn't get that there's a baby in here at all...too young I guess. How fun that BD does!


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