Tuesday, September 09, 2008


Today is baby Doodle's first day of "school." I had to hide my teary eyes while he happily played with a Lego train at a toddler-size table. Three other kids were crying, one screaming "I want my mommy!" It seemed so barbaric to leave my two year old behind while I came home to do laundry, dishes and hem three items of clothing that have needed hemming for months. BD didn't cry, at least not while I was there. He seemed a little perplexed about the whole idea of school. He couldn't wait to leave this morning but when we got there I think he thought, what is all the big fuss about, this doesn't seem so great.

I left quietly while he was playing. I cried most of the way home, luckily I wasn't driving and was able to leave my stroller at the school so I didn't have to maneuver it down the sidewalk. I pick him up in 2.5 hours. If he seems fine with having been at school for the morning then I'll sign him up for another month, but if he hates it I'm inclined to keep him home with me until we're both more ready.


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