Tuesday, July 01, 2008

calm and quiet

Baby Doodle routinely takes an hour or more to fall asleep once I've put him in his crib, yes, he's still in a crib. He's not unhappy during that time, he just talks and listens to his aquarium music that hangs off the side rail. I guess I shouldn't let it bother me that he takes so long to fall asleep, but I've started to try something new to see if he can calm down any easier. Now I sing three short songs to him and make him sit in the rocking chair by himself or on my lap. Then I put him in the crib and rub his forehead for a few minutes reciting, "it's time to be calm and quiet" in my most soothing voice -- this is the new addition.

I can hear him talking over the monitor right now. We'll see how long it lasts.

It is now an hour and a half since I wrote this and I thought you might want to know that BD was asleep within an half hour of putting him down. Calm and quiet . . .


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