Josh Ritter concert numero dos
I posted about the first of Josh's live performances (that I saw) in November and we saw him again today. We drove to New Holland, PA in Lancaster County to spend the day outside in the rain at the Spring Gulch Folk Festival. It was entirely worth it. Josh and the band put on an excellent show, as they did in the fall, even though there weren't many people there and the cloudy, gloomy, rainy weather was a bit of a downer (for those who aren't Ritter fans). He energized the crowd with his upbeat numbers and made a fan out of everyone there.
As we were pulling into the entrance of the Spring Gulch campground Josh walked in front of our car. I ordered Mr. D to roll down the window and I leaned over him and called out "Josh, Josh." He came over to the car and said hello. We chatted for a few moments. He asked what our names were then said he'd see us later.
As I said, the show was great. Baby Doodle really enjoyed it, as he's heard a lot of Josh in our house and asks for "more Josh Ritter." The band played for about an hour and fifteen minutes. The drummer was very nice and talkative after the show. Then Josh came out and I asked if he could sign my CDs (Animal Years and Historical Conquests) -- I'm such a dorky fan. He asked me to walk with him because he was supposed to make his way to the tent where they were selling his CDs. He had remembered my and Mr. D's name, and couldn't quite come up with baby Doodle's, but still, I was impressed. During our brief walk we talked about what he's working on now, what he'll do for the week between this show and the one next weekend in Philly (he's going to NY to see some friends and eat a home-cooked meal), where my husband and son were (they were walking about 20 feet behind us, baby Doodle was walking slowly), how I thought his performance was (awesome, enthusiastic), and some other things. When we got to the tent he gave me a hug and asked me to bring baby Doodle and Mr. D by so he could say hello to them, too. In the meantime he talked to, took pictures with, and signed CDs for other fans. We waited in the line and Josh knelt down to talk to baby Doodle. He talked a little with Mr. Doodlebug, then waited patiently while one of our impromptu friends took our picture with our camera and hers, which was a better camera than ours. Then we left.
If you know me, or if you notice the amount of detail in this post is excruciating, then you know how meaningful the day was for me. I'm going to stop here to try to save just a little face.
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