Thursday, September 18, 2008

my dilemma

This morning baby Doodle made his opinion about school clear. "I don't want to go to school!" He wasn't kidding. I promised him that I would stay for a little while and color and that he would have more fun at school than with me. After coloring and playing Legos for a short time I tried to leave but BD clung to me, cried and bellowed "I want to go home with you" over and over. I started tearing up and had to leave so he wouldn't see me. I cried the whole walk home.

I know if we decide to pull him out what everyone will say: he was only there three (or four) days, he would have gotten used to it and come to like it, most kids cry and are upset when they first go to day care and they all get over it. But in the meantime it is pure torture to leave my little guy knowing that he's not happy. I am not working outside our home so it is entirely feasible for him to stay with me. Granted, it would be nice to have two mornings a week when I can actually get stuff done around here, but is it worth the emotional turmoil I'm putting both of us through? My answer as of this moment is no.


At 4:44 PM, Blogger Mrs. B said...

I know you have the financial factor of having paid tuition, but don't worry about what people will say or think, if you want to and think it's best for him, pull him out! There's my unasked for opinion. It's not like he's five or six and not wanting to go to school. On the other hand, you could give it a week or two and see if he changes. Good luck deciding!

At 4:45 PM, Blogger Mrs. B said...

Or give him a week off and then take him back??

At 3:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My best advice is to tell you that the money is already spent, so stop worrying about it. The question now is whether you are both going to be miserable for the next month and a half because he hates going to school. You have to do whatever you feel is best regardless of what others may say. No one knows what's better for you and your son, so just follow your heart and it will tell you the right thing to do.

At 10:57 PM, Blogger melanie. said...

i just "stumbled" upon your blog - and i completely think it's okay to take the baby out of school. he's 2!! if he were older maybe it'd be a bigger deal, but maybe now he just needs to be with mama.


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