Monday, July 04, 2011

quick update

Pancake, thankfully, did not have a UTI.  She had Hand, Foot & Mouth, but it only showed up in her mouth.  It went away pretty quickly and no one else caught it. 

We spent 6 days in Vermont visiting my mother and brother.  The kids had a great time.  They especially loved swimming in Vermont's beautiful fresh water ponds and lakes.  Then Mr. D took the kids to his parents' house and I went to Maine with my girlfriends from high school.  The weather was miserable, but we had a great time.  For me, it was a much needed break from my every day life with the kids.

We're back in Philly now and will be going to a lake today to celebrate the 4th of July.

Doodle has been showing his jealousy toward Pancake by acting out, talking back and not listening to his wise parents.  He starts camp tomorrow.  Hopefully, I'll be able to get him up and out of the house without too much drama.


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