words of wisdom
On this, my 200th post, I'm afraid I do not have words worthy of this arbitrary milestone, just some words of wisdom.
1. It is tedious to clean couscous out of your toddler's booster seat/chair so avoid giving him or her couscous if you can.
2. A wonderful drink to enjoy after you've cleaned your toddler's seat is vodka with blueberry-pomegranate Italian soda -- just think of the anti-oxidants you're getting out of that!
3. Order pizza for Valentine's Day (tomorrow) when you, a) don't have the money to go to a prix fixed dinner or b) have a toddler and no babysitter -- this option is especially efficient because you don't have to cook something separate for your picky eater, or c) both of the above, which is our case.
How lucky for you that I happened to read this (and am wise). You must be patient, and let the couscous dry overnight, then vacuum.
RSLD, J.D.Mrs.
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