Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Happy New Year

I was able to enjoy myself last night since I am finally feeling better, though I didn't drink -- well I drank gingerale. We brought in the new year with two other couples, one of whom is expecting their first baby and the other had to leave before midnight because they have a toddler. Since we moved to Philly from DC we've met some really great people. Most of them have kids and that is how we met. Our lives are a lot different now that we have a child, but I've written about that ad nauseam soon after baby Doodle was born.

This being the first day of the new year I was thinking about what significant things happened in my life in 2007. Here's a short bulleted list:
  • Baby Doodle learned to walk and talk graduating from babyhood to toddlerhood
  • Mr. Doodlebug was promoted and obtained an office with a view
  • I became friends with another mom who I spend a lot of time with now
  • I've become quite comfortable in my role as a mother
  • My brother bought his first house, with his girlfriend
  • My mother started her first year as a state legislator (in Vermont)
  • My father and his wife continued the good work they are doing in Africa
  • And, I wrote a novel, and I'm proud of it, though it's not a literary masterpiece

My new year's resolution is to become a less anxious and stressed person. I think that was last year's resolution, too, but this year I have a plan (which itself doesn't seem so laid back... hmmm). I 'm going to take a yoga class, keep in mind the insignificance that most things have in life and remember to focus on the important things/people, let minor -- and major for that matter -- incidinces roll off my back instead of dwelling on them and letting the negativity seep into my mood, have fun and let loose, have massages more often, practice the deep breathing I read about in one of my anxiety books, try meditating. That's it. That's my plan.

Happy 2008!


At 12:05 PM, Blogger Mrs. B said...

I want to read your novel!! sounds like a good year!


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