Tuesday, July 24, 2007

I have been remiss

I haven't written in a while and have been slow to post this summer. I'm not sure why. It could be that nothing terribly interesting has happened. It could be that I've been more busy during the summer -- going away, meeting other moms and babies for play dates, going to the playground etc . . . But none of these are good excuses. I've dropped the ball and will try to be better.

My mother and aunt who were here last night and this morning drove across the country from San Francisco to Philly. Now they're on their way to Vermont and then down to Long Island. Then my mother is coming back here to Philly for a few days. I love having the help and the company. Even though I've been home with baby Doodle for almost sixteen months I still welcome the companionship and extra hands of my mother, or anyone else for that matter.

Baby Doodle had his fifteen month appointment last week. He's doing well and his weight is up -- up being the fourth percentile, as opposed to the second. He weighs 20.7 pounds and is 31 inches tall. He's starting to lose his big belly.

The other day he got his first scraped up knee. He fell on the cement at the dog park and it started to bleed. When we got home I cleaned it with hydrogen peroxide and he barely fussed. Then I put a bandaid on it knowing that he'd probably fall on it again. He ripped the bandaid off immediately. When I looked slightly disappointed that he'd removed it he tried to stick it back on his knee with no success. Sure enough he fell again later the same day and scraped it even worse. I went through the same repairing routine with the same result. Now he has a scabby knee that is finally healing.

More to come sooner, not later.


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