Saturday, May 13, 2006

my talker

Today on his changing table baby Doodle and I spent 5 or 6 minutes talking to each other. Baby Doodle's "words" are very different from his whines and cries. He's known how to whine and cry since he was born 6 weeks ago today, but his words are much different. His words he contemplates, thinks about, predetermines what he's going to say. I can see in his eyes that he has to think about how to talk whereas when he cries or wimpers it just comes out. I can tell by watching him try to form his words that it takes a lot of effort. It's not as easy as his instinctual cries when one need or another is not being met. When baby Doodle talks he has to coordinate some muscles and/or tissue in his throat and esophagus. The most beautiful sounds emerge and he smiles. Sometimes he tries to say something by inhaling rather than exhaling and he gasps and then smiles. Then he tries again, usually successfully. I love our conversations. It is incredibly satisfying to have him actually respond to me now. He's growing up right before my eyes, and it is sad and thrilling at the same time.

Here he is talking on his changing table in his monkey suit.

I couldn't resist posting this picture. He's looking at himself in the mirror (that purple polka dot thing).


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